
As technology brings us closer to each other, lost stories of shenanigans come to light.GrHeinz, FrankMy Grandpa, Les Heinz and his siblings,

lost their father, Frank Heinz, at a young age.

This left these young kids much to their own devices.

There are stories of their own father’s shenanigans to feed his family, and I hear tell more stories may still be on their way.

I wonder if you can spot any mischief in these photographs?Donna, Les, Lloyd,Ann & Lyle HeinzNothing going on here. Heinz, FloydFloyd~ we can almost see the twinkle behind those glasses.Heinz, Inez, Lyle, and Carol '40'sInez, Lyle and Carol? Heinz, George & EllaHow about their fathers brother, George and Aunt Ella?

Lyle, Poker game - Carol,Earl,LyleRemember how Sundays are for boardgames with grandchildren?

Well, for these siblings (and a few friends), it’s, “Saturday Night Poker,” with chips & dip of course.Heinz, Les,Grandpa up at his cabin making his well planned out mischief against Grandma’s cards.Taylor, Carol, Alice Wolfe and friends UP cabinYou can’t see her face, but Carol, in the blue, is at her cabin playing cards with friends. We know she was taught by the best.

Growing up, we were not taught cards by my grandpa, but after he passed over, grandma started us out by teaching Kings Corners and when she thought we could handle it, we played Pinochle.

Our own grandchildren have been taught Kings Corners.

We shall have to find the rules for Pinochle soon.

11036219_10152830873130674_8907436398667611222_oWe end this little viewing of mischief from the siblings,

with a card party and a look from Lyle.

Pretty sure that mind is a going. 

We have always loved this Heinz side of the family.

When they could have easily split apart,

they held together and played cards.

4 thoughts on “SHəˈnanəɡənz”

    1. I learned both early on. At first I was always confused when we started playing euchre, what?!? the Jack is high, but only one of them. Oh my.

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