Sunday Afternoon Boardgames

  We sat around my daughter’s table tonight, playing Chinese Checkers with the girls for the first time.  KIMG0013KIMG0014

Hearing the youngest cheering on her older sister for making such a great plan and jumping all those marbles made me think back to oh so many Sunday afternoons playing boardgames through the years. 1992Back in the 1970’s our Grandparents used to have us over on Sundays and we would sit around that green table in the photo up above, hour after hour, and enjoy learning how to think and have fun at the same time.  In that photo is the next generation doing the same thing at the same place on the same boards but without Grandpa’s teaching skills. DSCF0270It was important that when my own grandchildren came along, they too were taught in the ways of boardgames on Sunday afternoons, and so we start them off usually with checkers. DSCF0333    I was pleasantly surprised to learn my father-in-law also carried on this tradition with his grandchildren and great grandchildren. riskAlways the younger ones want to get in on the action. DSCF0117Sometimes going thru old photo’s we find someone was so pleased with their games they took photo’s and left them around as proof of something so I include it here for whoever played this game.DSCF0017Uncles decide to get down and help out too.DSCF0170There is just something about rootbeer and icecream on game day that keeps the generations happy!taboo Some people even send you home to get the games when they are in the hospital. We oblige them because we know we now stand a chance to win! DSCF0127It is nice to get new games every so often IMG_0249 DSCF0210We could be watching a show on the TV or playing by ourselves on the computer, but then Grandpa would eat all the pretzels by himself.

And how fun would that be?

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