The Cool Dinosaur Tracks

We headed out one day toward Moab after turning off I-70 and shortly saw this sign and headed down this little side road.           547045_10151249936860606_1858636531_n Go over the railroad tracks and continue on, you will think you are not going to the right place, but I assure you, soon you will come to dinosaurtrackland 21734_10151249936935606_83971242_n189650_10151249937195606_1136058140_n536862_10151249937115606_408846496_nRead the nice signs542611_10151249937265606_1161795915_nin this nice little dry wash are these coolest of prints231135_10151249939310606_1136846723_n406945_10151249938145606_1335978739_n402550_10151249938715606_450490625_n578991_10151249938010606_1927802110_n311121_10151249937375606_2118966518_n405121_10151249937570606_644614347_n601602_10151249937480606_1511571225_n20213_10151249937015606_530054318_n 18327_10151249940210606_397366999_n382164_10151249939725606_337580148_nPictures are nice but standing on the hardened ground, leaping along, trying to see how these dinos stepped back in time is funner than any museum.

Go Do It!

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